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Our site is dedicated to nudists and naturists, photo and video materials show the life and communication of people without clothes of all ages - and therefore there are no pornographic images and materials on it.
Maximum of materials on the topic: nudism and naturism
All materials on this site are legal in Europe, civilized countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America in Australia and throughout the United States in every state and city, they are protected by the First Amendment and freedom of speech and cannot be prohibited by any local laws. Right to
images of nude adults and children in innocent positions
(no sexual content) has been maintained without interruption for over 50 years, having been repeatedly confirmed by different courts. The right of nudist materials as a form of self-expression is especially emphasized. The materials on this site are freely sold in Asia, Europe, Canada, South America, Australia and Africa. An exception may be countries where nudity is generally prohibited. All materials provided on the site have been investigated by three independent lawyers and found to be legal.
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In the near future we will begin to publish links for downloading content hidden on the site. These are more than 1000 pieces of news that for some reason the pseudo-moralists didn’t like...
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