Naked Ursula Martinez (2006)

Actress, screenwriter, magician Ursula Martinez gathers whole halls for her performances. One of her best numbers is the trick with a red scarf, when the scarf is hidden in a fist, and is taken from various items of clothing. Each time, the clothes on the magician actress remain less and less ... The audience also wonders - where this time the red scarf will appear ... By the way, Ursula Martinez is the owner of the prestigious Laurence Olivier Prize for Best Entertainment Performance.

Previously published April 05, 2016

Article is edited by: Admin - 27-09-2022, 13:18
Reason: updated link

Naked Slow Walk Zagreb

A leisurely walk of naked people in the very center of the Croatian capital has caused a stir among tourists and the local population. Literally 20 minutes later, the police arrived, who for 5 minutes talked with the lying naked participants in the performance. In the end, the dressed participants of the "naked walk" were taken to the police station, from where (after paying a fine) they were released after a couple of hours ... previously published 03/06/2016

Article is edited by: Admin - 24-09-2022, 14:06
Reason: updated link

 Miss Volleyball (family nudism, family naturism, young naturism, naked boys)

There is a big sports day at the campsite for naturists - a volleyball tournament! In nudist families, parents prepare for the competition, and the children will root for them. A healthy and friendly atmosphere, however, as elsewhere where family nudism is popularized ... previously published 08/01/2016

This news is published thanks to our active member TallAnt

Article is edited by: Admin - 5-11-2022, 22:39
Reason: updated link

Men and Women

Why are men sometimes rude to their beloved? How to strengthen feelings for each other? Getting naked in a busy club - a challenge to society, or self-affirmation? This film answers these and other questions ...

previously published 05/29/2016

Article is edited by: Admin - 17-02-2021, 11:57
Reason: updated link


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