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Nudism and Naturism. Video and Photo!
Совершенно случайно наткнулся на этот уникальный фильм и просто не мог не поделиться им с вами. Гениальная работа режиссера Леонида Осыка, который, не смотря на давление, не стал резать и изменять свою выпускную работу (ВГИК-1965), а выставил её такой, какая она есть.
Ранее опубликована 20.03.13
Just think, this film is 80 years old! For lovers of retro nudism I present a film that popularizes nudism and nudism and naturism, even in our time.
A new film from a famous studio, although the photo album for this film was more than a year ago. Our familiar girls continue to master their roles. After all, some of them, it seems, undressed for the first time - you can see the "hiding" gestures characteristic of novice naturists. For someone who has long been accustomed to nudity, this causes a kind smile. Although it all looks like a performance, you can be sure that the girls liked the experience of naturists ...
This news is published thanks to our active club membe TallAnt
The latest story about family nudism, with new characters, laid out on the website of the famous studio on April 7, 2016!
We thank the member of the club Gerald for the material provided.
In excellent quality film from the famous studio. Mountain camping, where you can relax and enjoy the magnificent scenery, the diversity of nature, from communicating with like-minded people. Family nudism and naturism in the classic sense ...