Body Art Nudists DVD
Painting on the body! In this form of art practiced friends-nudists who gathered families to spend the weekend in a fun and friendly company. While some are waiting for their turn to apply a pattern on their body, others flaunt them with already printed drawings. Fun and fun for both kids and adults.
This news comes from our active member

Article is edited by: Admin - 27-09-2022, 12:57
Reason: updated link

Naturist Contest-7 Pageants 1999

A film from a famous studio about a beauty contest among young naturists in excellent DVD quality. Despite the fact that the events of the film took place as much as 17 years ago, the beauty, the immediacy of the characters, the general organization of the festival, in which the beauty contest is only an integral part. remain relevant today. A great addition to this film is the announcement of films from a famous studio.
Many thanks to one of our regular members for providing the material!



Article is edited by: Admin - 27-09-2022, 12:56
Reason: updated link

Green Tropic Adventures 5 (family nudism, family naturism, young naturism, naked boys, naked girls)

In Brazil, summer does not end! Excellent walk of the Brazilian naturist families in scenic places in nature ... A very high-quality film from a famous studio.
We thank the member of the club Gerald for providing the material!


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