Vacations are generally considered to be the best time to make new friends and expand your social circle. On this holiday among nature, many young people communicate, play, their naked bodies absorb the gentle rays of the sun and are caressed by the gentle touch of the warm wind. Join them!

Article is edited by: Admin - 10-09-2022, 20:02
Reason: updated link

Summer in St. Petersburg is a short and particularly expected season for local naturists. After 8-9 months of cold, a group of nudist teenagers celebrates the arrival of warm days by traveling to a picturesque lake with a stop on an island. They bathe, sail on a boat, have a picnic and spend a short summer night dancing around a big bonfire and ancient Slavic fun - jumping over the fire

Article is edited by: Admin - 10-09-2022, 20:03
Reason: updated link

Not only Skipping Ropes

Yes, there is not only skipping rope, that's for sure! In a fresh film from a famous studio, there is a story about young naturist families who have a great time on a large glade. Adults tried to make the children have something to be entertained - several small pools, tents, a lot of inflatable toys ... After such a rest, the charge of vigor and health will remain for a long time.

Article is edited by: Admin - 5-11-2022, 23:44
Reason: updated link


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