
Very good dacha, judging by the film, somewhere hectare 3 so accurately. Honestly, in order to have fun with like-minded people from a naturist society, it is not necessary to be on the seashore. Here, in a green meadow, among hills and small plantations, members of the naturist society, both children and adults, feel right like fish in water. Bright, enchanting film that is just not boring to watch.

Article is edited by: Admin - 5-11-2022, 18:54
Reason: updated link

Health & Efficiency

401 jpg | 1700 х 2338 | 372.57 Mb

Another binder of a rare illustrated magazine for naturists. A healthy lifestyle, healthy communication - all this you will see on the pages of this wonderful magazine... This news appeared thanks to our active member of the club TallAnt

Article is edited by: Admin - 23-04-2022, 14:41
Reason: updated link


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