Goldilocks And The Three Bares

Despite the fact that this film was not filmed in the former USSR, it lay on the shelves, without air, for almost 36 years. The story of three men who work in the entertainment industry, looking for themselves in this life, who meet a fellow traveler on their life path, who later turns out to be a nudist... 50 years ago, in films of such genres, showing from the side of the face was prohibited, however, directors, checking censorship for lice, still allowed some “flare”.

Previously published 09/30/13

Article is edited by: Admin - 24-09-2022, 11:03
Reason: updated link

Neptune nudist 2002 (family nudism, family naturism, young naturism, naked girls, naked boys)

A large company of nudists decided to relax on the banks of the river. Games, dances, pampering and good mood - there was everything. The rest was a success, a charge of energy until the next weekend received!

Previously published on 07/25/2012

Article is edited by: Admin - 10-09-2022, 13:25
Reason: updated link


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