Article is edited by: Admin - 12-09-2022, 11:51
Reason: updated link
An excellent and high-quality video from one of the famous studios. You watch and relax under an unobtrusive bard song. The video contains announcements of films that are presented on our website.
Previously published 08.06.11
Article is edited by: Admin - 12-09-2022, 11:50
Reason: updated link
France naturisme (nudism, naturism, family nudism, family naturism, nude beach, naturists in nature)
Article is edited by: Admin - 10-09-2022, 13:27
Reason: updated link
This time the meeting took place in a large family naturist campsite. There are conditions for active recreation: sports grounds, playgrounds, a large hall and much more. The film shows how you can relax so that it is not boring, but fun and good for health.
Previously published on 10/15/2012
Article is edited by: Admin - 12-09-2022, 11:50
Reason: updated link
5 small documentaries on retro nudism filmed in the USA in the 1960s for the American Sunbathing Association (ASA). At that time, nudism was not persecuted as it is now, and naked people had the opportunity to relax in nature without problems with families or alone. The famous model of those times Diane Webber, a very pretty person, starred in the commercials.
Previously published 07/22/13
Article is edited by: Admin - 13-03-2022, 11:17
Reason: updated link
Julia is a rather timid and modest college student, which is why she is assigned to write a research paper on the topic "Nudity of the 1980s". And so Julia and her friend Steve go on a trip. They visit the nudist beaches of England, the south of France and Florida in order to answer the question - why do these people like to be naked? An interesting and educational film.
Previously posted on 09/24/13
Article is edited by: Admin - 24-09-2022, 11:02
Reason: updated link
A large society of family nudism and naturism decided to make a holiday for its members. The hall was rented, the scenario of the holiday was drawn up ... You can see how everything turned out in this film.
Article is edited by: Admin - 10-09-2022, 13:28
Reason: updated link
I don't know who sings, I don't know about what... However, the clip itself, the music itself, are saturated with such strong energy that it was impossible not to share this news with you, especially since the clothes on the clip's characters are completely absent. Can we meet musical nudism and naturism?
Article is edited by: Admin - 10-09-2022, 13:29
Reason: updated link
Article is edited by: Admin - 10-09-2022, 13:30
Reason: updated link