FESTIVE UKRAINIAN OCEAN 2 (family nudism, family naturism, young naturism, naked boys, naked girls)

 Continued training of naturists of all ages for the festival in Koktebel (Crimea). The naturist video was filmed in 2014. Thanks to regular member of the Gerald club for the input. Previously published 02/01/2016

Article is edited by: Admin - 7-01-2022, 15:02
Reason: updated link

FESTIVE UKRAINIAN OCEAN 1 (family nudism, family naturism, young naturism, naked boys, naked girls)

Preparation of naturists for the festival in Koktebel (Crimea). The naturist video was filmed in 2014. Thanks to regular member of the Gerald club for the input. Previously published 1/28/2016 

Article is edited by: Admin - 24-09-2022, 15:01
Reason: updated link

Horse Riding at a Barn 2 (family nudism, family naturism, young naturism, naked girls)

An unexpected and pleasant surprise from a regular TallAnt member! Continuation of a kind film from a famous studio about horses and young naturists ...

Previously published May 20, 2016

Article is edited by: Admin - 24-09-2022, 15:00
Reason: updated link

Walking on Water (family nudism, family naturism, young naturism, naked boys, naked girls)

Many naturist families relax in the large surf pool. A friendly society of naturists, in which no one interferes with each other! Excellent quality film from Czech authors.

Thanks to the anonymous user for the material provided.

Previously published 06/27/15

Article is edited by: Admin - 5-11-2022, 19:33
Reason: updated link

Festival Celebrations 4 (family nudism, family naturism, young naturism, naked boys, naked girls)

The final part of a merry New Year with a Brazilian naturist family. As in the whole world, nudists (naturists) from Brazil received their gifts for the New Year!

Thank you very much to the permanent member of the Gerald club for the materials provided!

Previously published December 2015

Article is edited by: Admin - 24-09-2022, 14:57
Reason: updated link

Festival Celebrations 3 (family nudism, family naturism, young naturism, naked boys, naked girls)

The Brazilian naturist family is celebrating New Year's Eve for real, even with a real Christmas tree! Kind and relaxed atmosphere of a happy New Year celebration ...

Thank you very much to the permanent member of the Gerald club for the materials provided!

Previously published December 2015



Article is edited by: Admin - 24-09-2022, 14:57
Reason: updated link

Festival Celebrations 2 (family nudism, family naturism, young naturism, naked boys, naked girls)

A Brazilian naturist family celebrates the New Year! If there is no tree, it doesn't matter, a palm tree will do. Nudists (naturists) of all ages pay more attention not to the festive table, but to fun communication and games under the scorching rays of the December Brazilian sun. Family nudism and naturism in Brazil - exotic and so natural!

Thank you very much to the permanent member of the Gerald club for the materials provided!

Previously published December 2015



Article is edited by: Admin - 24-09-2022, 14:56
Reason: updated link

Festival Celebrations 1 (family nudism, family naturism, young naturism, naked boys, naked girls)

Great and high quality film from a famous studio! Brazil's New Year is celebrated against the backdrop of the hot sun and New Year's palms. A Brazilian naturist family cheerfully and simply approached this celebration ...

Thank you very much to the permanent member of the Gerald club for the materials provided!

Previously published December 2015

Article is edited by: Admin - 24-09-2022, 14:54
Reason: updated link


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