The Tale of the Floating World
Who are we? Do we have complete knowledge of ourselves? Do we understand our thoughts and desires correctly? Are we confident in our abilities to face our enemies? If our enemy is like us, does that mean we have reached perfection? However: our memory and knowledge? When we lose friends, we make enemies. Are we perfect enough to dominate nature? Disliking our neighbors, we forget about our own guardian. Being arrogant, we do not hesitate to demand love. Thoughts are what the space around us is filled with. Our life is shrouded in them and we use this power for our own actions. Having become accustomed to constant negativity, we dutifully place it in benevolence. The power we invented is the reign we invented. Over whom? Above us? Above oneself? Have we got it into our heads that we can conquer the Earth? the universe? Or maybe we already are the Lord God?
Here is such a non-nudist annotation to this material. I just couldn't pass by without sharing with you. This short art-house work shows how (including) using nude images to convey to the viewer a completely non-naked theme of being...
Release year: 2001
Country: France, Japan, UK
Producer: Alain Escalle
Cast: Yuko Nakamura, Ryoya Kobayashi, Kakuya Ohashi
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In the near future we will begin to publish links for downloading content hidden on the site. These are more than 1000 pieces of news that for some reason the pseudo-moralists didn’t like...
News article is edited by: Admin - 24-09-2022, 11:05
Reason: updated link
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