О пользе сна голышом


Многие люди не признают пижам и ночных сорочек, предпочитая спать нагишом.  И, как оказывается, неспроста – наука утверждает, что сон без одежды полезен во многих (и иногда совершенно неожиданных) отношениях.

The film that most fully describes the beauty and uniqueness of traveling around the Crimea in the nude. Despite the name, most events take place on the Black Sea coast, in the East of Crimea. Travelers (several nudist families) explore ancient fortresses, walk in the mountains, communicate with nature. An eventful and sightseeing movie. One of the best (in my opinion) from the family nudism series.

Article is edited by: Admin - 10-09-2022, 19:41
Reason: updated link

Girls' Summer Afternoon

On a warm summer day, the female half of the large naturist society decided to spend in outdoor games in the open air. The male half apparently went fishing or hunting. Women, girls, girls have found every class to their liking. Here and volleyball and tennis and just riding on small attractions. Good quality in both content and image. A living example of the popularization of family nudism and naturism.

Article is edited by: Admin - 5-11-2022, 19:13
Reason: updated link

  A very good quality, colorful documentary film with chic music about the journey of several nudist families around the Crimea. Riding on catamarans and yachts, swimming in the gentle and clean waters of the Black Sea in the protected Kara-Dag strip, burying in the sand and of course dolphins. I do not know how these travelers managed to agree to get to the dolphinarium, but the fact on the screen, dolphins and naked people ... how beautiful and how kind I envy them ...

Article is edited by: Admin - 5-11-2022, 21:56
Reason: updated link


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